Adult Formation

In the Episcopal Church, Christian formation is defined as a "lifelong process of growing in relationship with God, self, others, and all creation." It is transformative and guides us to becoming the person God wants us to be.  For each of us this is a continuous process of learning in ways that are formal and informal, personal and in community, and involve both action and reflection.  At St. Augustine's we offer Christian formation activities throughout the year for adults, such as Education for Ministry, and for young people, such as Godly Play.

Adult Formation

Sunday Adult Forum: The Adult Forum is held in our Parish Hall on some Sundays at 9:15 am, following our first coffee hour (which happens right after the 8 am service).

Topics range from current events, health, and stewardship to liturgy, history, Biblical studies and Christian education.

Morning and Evening Programs:

These programs are organized by the adult formation committee. Our parish offers programming following an academic year model.

  • Meets on Wednesday after the Healing Service to discuss books on current theological themes in addition to books for Advent, Lent, persons such as the Beguines or Mary Magdalene.

  • A reflection on the scriptures for the next Sunday along with the passages for that Sunday

  • Using the Lectio Divina meditation method the group explores the meaning of a passage selected by the convener

  • Weekly updates from the Diocese of Olympia

  • Meets by for contemplating of spiritual matters

  • Education for Ministry (EfM) is a unique four-year distance learning certificate program in theological education based upon small-group study and practice. EfM helps the faithful encounter the breadth and depth of the Christian tradition and bring it into conversation with their experiences of the world as they study, worship, and engage in theological reflection together

Young People

Godly Play (ages 4-11), 10:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.:  During the 10:30 service children from 4 to 11 learn that God is with them not only here or there but everywhere. St. Augustine’s, using the Godly Play program, offers lessons each Sunday from September to June